Columbia Library columns (v.15(1965Nov-1966May))

(New York :  Friends of the Columbia Libraries.  )



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  v.15,no.1(1965:Nov): Page 50  

50                                 Roland Bmighman

Printed Works: A splendid two-volume set of De Vitis . . .
Clarorum Philosophorum by Diogenes Laertius, printed at Am¬
sterdam in 1692, has been acquired. It is the large paper edition,
magnificently bound by Roger Payne in dark blue straight-
grained morocco, gilt tooled, for Sir Mark .Masterman Sykes

Notice should be taken, too, of the beautiful edition of Dante's
La Divina Commedia, published by Canesi in Rome, 1965, the
700th aniii\'ersary of the poet's birth. The edition is enhanced
with faithful reproductions of the famous drawings bv Sandro

Finally, we have acquired a portfolio of superbly executed
"intaglio-rehef" prints by the Canadian artist, Saul Field; the set
is entitled Themes from the Old Testament, and bears the date
1964. .Mr. Field's metiiod of preparing and printing his plates, in
full, vivid colors, is completely his own, and the results are unique
in the same sense that William Blake's illuminated books are
unique—no two can be exactly alike.
  v.15,no.1(1965:Nov): Page 50