Columbia Library columns (v.15(1965Nov-1966May))

(New York :  Friends of the Columbia Libraries.  )



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  v.15,no.2(1966:Feb): Page 24  

24                                 Roland Baughman

ha\e the temerity to ask Ed directly?). Robert Grabhorn is
some ten years younger; rumor has it that he was born in 1900.
Both are natives of IndianapoHs.

Ed and Bob Grabhorn at the stone, 1937. Photo b\- Marjory Farquhar.

Ed Grabhorn learned the printer's craft in the shop of an
uncle. He was barely out of his teens when he answered the
siren call of the west in 1909, obtaining a job with a music pub¬
lisher in Seattle, Washington. That first western sojourn of his
was brief and disillusioning, lasting only two or three years, but
it included a turn at being his own boss—it had so happened
that the man who had hired him as a compositor decamped,
leaving him in sole possession of a debt-encumbered business.
The most enduring consequence of that experience was that Ed
  v.15,no.2(1966:Feb): Page 24