Columbia Library columns (v.15(1965Nov-1966May))

(New York :  Friends of the Columbia Libraries.  )



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  v.15,no.2(1966:Feb): Page 44  

44                                    Kenneth Lohf

composer Benjamin Carr, nearly two hundred first and later
editions of Stephen Foster's sheet music, and approximately
twenty thousand pieces of sheet music—mainly American of the
nineteenth century, all of which are carefully cataloged by
subject, publisher, composer and lyricist.

Davis gift. Professor Robert Gorham Davis has presented a fine
group of literary manuscripts, including three letters written to
him by Ezra Pound, the holograph draft by Dorothy Parker of
her address delivered at the Esquire Magazine Symposium in
October 1958, and two manuscripts of James T. Farrell, one
containing holograph drafts of poems, and the other being a
carbon copy typescript of various chapters from What Time

Special mention must be made of an exceedingly interesting
music manuscript in Professor Davis's gift. Entitled "A Collec¬
tion of Dancing Tunes, Marches & Song Tunes," it contains
more than a hundred eighteenth century tunes written in a very
neat, musical hand. It is inscribed on the fly-leaf "Whittier
Perkins' Book 1790," and its importance is increased by the fact
that it includes an American Revolutionary manuscript version
of the patriotic song "Yankee Doodle." Also included in the
gift is a journal kept by Professor Davis's ancestor, William
McKindry, from the end of 1778 to January 1780, portions of
which relate to General John Sullivan's campaign against the
Iroquois Indians.

Farrar bequest. Under the terms of the will of the late Lilian
Keturah Pond Farrar, the library has received a set of approxi¬
mately one hundred lantern slides and photographs relating
to the Lake Placid Club which are to be added to our collection
of Melvil Dewey Papers.

Flaherty gift.  Through the good offices of Professor Erik Bar-
  v.15,no.2(1966:Feb): Page 44