Columbia Library columns (v.15(1965Nov-1966May))

(New York :  Friends of the Columbia Libraries.  )



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  v.15,no.3(1966:May): Page 42  

42                            Activities of the Friends

surership of the Friends, because i\fr. Mixer will, as of May i,
devote full-time to strengthening the collections, service and
financing of Columbia's East Asian Library. For this intensive
operation, he will, as Assistant Director of University Libraries,
move his office to that library for a period of approximately a
year and a half. Plans for handling the Secretary-Treasurer's
duties will be worked out soon.

Dr. Logsdon then presented the following resolution, which
he read:

"Mr. Charles W. Mixer, Assistant Director of the Columbia
University Libraries, has served as Treasurer of the Friends of
the Columbia Libraries since February, 1952, and as Secretary-
Treasurer since the summer of 1953. He has thus been identified
closely with the activities of our organization during its most
fruitful period, and it is little enough to say that much of the
success of the Friends has been due to Mr. Mixer's careful
attention to the myriad of details which the smooth operation
of an organization such as this entails.

"After serving twenty years as a key ofiicer in the central
administration of the Libraries, Afr. Afixer has recently accepted
a wholly new responsibilit\'. On or about iVIay i he will under¬
take the direction of one of the major units of the Columbia
library system, the already large and rapidly developing East
Asian Library. Anticipating that his new duties will require his
full attention, iVIr. Mixer has asked to be relieved of his assign¬
ment as Secretary-Treasurer.

"It is with deep regret that the members of the Council ac¬
cept Air. Afixer's resignation, for our debt to him is great. Hap¬
pily, he has signified his wish to remain on the Publications
Committee, and it is with gratitude that we look forward to a
continuance of his invaluable service in maintaining the high
standards of Columbia Library Columns."

The Council passed the resolution and Mr. Kelly asked that
it be printed in the next issue of Columbia Library Columns.
  v.15,no.3(1966:May): Page 42