Columbia Library columns (v.21(1971Nov-1972May))

(New York :  Friends of the Columbia Libraries.  )



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  v.21,no.1(1971:Nov): Page 31  

Our Growing Collections



Barzun gift. Since 1953, when Professor Jacques Barzun (A.B.,
1927; Ph.D., 1932) established the Hector Berlioz Collection with
a major gifr, he has enriched our holdings with frequent gifts of
the composer's letters, manuscripts, and first editions. He has now
presented two unpublished Berlioz letters: the first, an early im¬
portant document, was written to the publisher Ricour on April
12,1834, and concerns the Eight Scenes from Goethe's Faust, the
composer's first major work, a subject which he was later to take
up in The Damnation of Faust (1846); and the second, written to
Henri Panofka on February 7, 1849, relates to Berlioz's business
affairs with the conductor and impresario Louis Antoine JuUien.

Bauke gift. For addition to our Book Arts Collection Professor
Joseph Bauke (Ph.D., 1963) has presented a copy of rhe hand¬
somely-printed German edition of Pablo Neruda's Alturas de
Macchu Picchu, a long poem about the Inca empire. This edition,
entitled Die Hohen von Macchu Picchu, was published in Flam-
burg in 1965 by Hoffman and Campe, and printed in Y^erona at
the Stamperia Valdonega. It is illustrated with ten impressive
wood engravings by Hap Grieshaber.

Berol gift. Since 1956, -when they presented a collection of nearly
four hundred of Arthur Rackham's published works, Mr. and Mrs.
Alfred C. Berol have enriched the collection with additional gifts
of the English artist's original drawings, paintings, and sketch¬
books. To this collection, which is now unrivaled in its scope and
importance, Mr. and Mrs. Berol have recently presented four
splendid watercolor drawings, all of which are signed by the art¬
ist: an illustration for Rip Van Winkle, entitled "The Oldest In-

  v.21,no.1(1971:Nov): Page 31