Columbia Library columns (v.21(1971Nov-1972May))

(New York :  Friends of the Columbia Libraries.  )



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  v.21,no.1(1971:Nov): Page 45  

Activities of the Friends


Fall meeting on November 5. At this meeting Mr. Warren J.
Haas, the Director of Libraries, will present to Dr. Jerome P.
Webster the Columbia Libraries Citation for Distinguished Ser¬
vice for the year 1971. The Library of Plastic Surgery has been
created and maintained bv the distinguished plastic surgeon after
whom it was named.

iVlr. Louis S. Auchincloss, lawyer and widely-known attorney,
will speak on "\\'riters and Literary Agents in New York." There
will be a display of items from the papers of James Oliver Brown,
the literary agent, which recenth' were presented to the Libraries.


In the November issue each year we report the total gifts from
our members (both cash and "in kind") for the twelve month
period which ended on March 31. In 1970-71, the general purpose
contributions were $9,080 and the special purpose gifts $8,747,
making a total of $17,827. To this was added $2,500 income from
the Friends' endowment—to be used for book purchases. This
raised the total of funds available during the year to $20,327.

The Friends also ga\'e books and manuscripts, for addition to
our research collections, having an appraised value of $17,827.
The principal items given have been reported in "Our Growing
Collections" in each issue of Columns. The total value of such gifts
since the establishment of the a,ssociation on May i, 1951, is now
f 1,216,210.

Aiiide from gifts, the association has received income from sales
of the Rackham exhibit catalog, paid subscriptions to Columbia
Library Coluvms, and payments for dinner reservations for the
fall and winter meetings. In the year of this report, such receipts

  v.21,no.1(1971:Nov): Page 45