Columbia Library columns (v.21(1971Nov-1972May))

(New York :  Friends of the Columbia Libraries.  )



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  v.21,no.3(1972:May): Page 46  

Activities of the Friends


The Bancroft Prize Dinner. On Thursday, April 20, members of
the Friends, historians, universitv officials, and their guests assem¬
bled in the Rotunda of Low .Memorial Library for this annual
event. Dr. Morris H. Saffron, Chairman of the Friends, presided.

President William J. McGill announced the winners of the
1972 awards for books published in 1971 which a jury deemed
to be the best in the fields of American history, American inter¬
national relations, and American diplomacy. The works were as
follows: Neither Black nor White, by Carl N. Degler; The
Mathers: Three Generations of Puritan Intellectuals, i;p6-ij28,
by Robert iMiddlekauff; and The European Discovery of Amer¬
ica: the Northern Voyages, by Samuel Eliot Morison. The Presi¬
dent presented to each of the winners a $4,000 award from funds
provided by the Bancroft Foundation.

The publishers of the books received certificates which were
presented by the Chairman of the Friends. The representatives of
the companies were: Mr. Jay Carroll, a Senior Editor of The
Macmillan Company (which published the Degler book); and
Mr. James Y. Huws-Davies, President of the Oxford University
Press (which published the books by both .Messrs. Middlekauff
and Morison).

Mrs. Francis Henry Lenygon was Chairman of the Bancroft
Prize Dinner Committee.


Rockwell Kent Drawings

An exhibition of one hundred of the artist's drawings and watcrcolors
done for book and magazine illustrations, advertisements, bookplates,
posters, and originally shown at the Friends Winter Meeting.

  v.21,no.3(1972:May): Page 46