Columbia Library columns (v.23(1973Nov-1974May))

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  v.23,no.3(1974:May): Page 42  

42                                 Kenneth A. Lohf

teen editions included works by Hester Lynch Piozzi, Alexander
Pope, John Arbuthnot, George Colman the younger, John Dry¬
den, iMatthew Prior and Nicholas Rowe. Of special importance is
the copy of Edmund Burke's A Philosophical Enquiry Into the
Origin of Our Ideas of the Sublime and Beautiful, London, 1759,
the second edition, but the first to contain the author's "Discourse
Concerning Taste," which is printed as an introduction to the
volume. Another important item in Professor Clifford's gift is the
long letter written by Elizabeth iVIontagu, one of the leaders of the
bluestockings, to her husband, Edward Montagu, ca. September
1765. ^^'ritten from Bath, the letter concerns events on the Con¬
tinent, life in the English spa, and the activities of friends and of
Mrs. Montagu's sister, Mrs. Sarah Scott.

Coggeshalt gift. Mrs. Susanna W. Coggeshall has added several
groups of manuscripts to the collection of the papers of her mother,
the late Frances Perkins, including: the notes, drafts and manu¬
scripts of seventy-five articles, dated 1895 to 1961; notebooks kept
by Miss Perkins from 1901 to 1911, containing lecture notes, pri¬
marily at Columbia University, but also including Mt. Holyoke
College, Uni\'ersity of Pennsylvania and Adelphi University; and
more than two thousand pages of notes in Miss Perkins's hand on
numerous subjects, among which are fire prevention, immigrant
education, the status of women, socialism and the reorganization
of the U.S. Department of Labor. The earliest item in the gift is
a four-page high school essay written by Miss Perkins at age
thirteen, entitled "Robin Hood and Sherwood Forest," and dated
January 21, 1895.

Darling gift. Dr. Richard L. Darling has added to our collection
of eighteenth century literature an item of great rarity: Alexander
Pope, Essais sur la Critique et sur I'Homme . . . Ouvrages traduits
de I'Anglois en Francois, published in London in 17 3 7 by G. Smith.
The only other known copy is in the Bibliotheque Nationale in
  v.23,no.3(1974:May): Page 42