Columbia Library columns (v.24(1974Nov-1975May))

(New York :  Friends of the Columbia Libraries.  )



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  v.24,no.1(1974:Nov): Page 20  

2 0                                James L.Clifford

(probably A Tale of the Times by Jane West). She can report
the improvement of her husband, after three weeks' confinement
with gout, news of his five-year-old nephew rescued from battle-
scarred Italy (later the boy became their heir), and further casual
news. The other letter of Mrs. Piozzi (in the Dunlop Collection)
is dated October i, 1812, and is addressed to a Bath friend named
Strong, to whom she sent a verse charade, with the hope that it
might amuse him and his young companions "for a Moment on a
Wet Day." And we hope that this account of recent Columbia
accessions may do likewise for readers of the Columns.
  v.24,no.1(1974:Nov): Page 20