Columbia Library columns (v.24(1974Nov-1975May))

(New York :  Friends of the Columbia Libraries.  )



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  v.24,no.1(1974:Nov): Page 22  

2 2                                    Albert Marrin

medals. The latter, \aluable in themselves, were sold to pay the
family's expenses \\ bile in hiding from the Nazis during the Sec¬
ond ^\'orld A\'ar. When Holland was overrun in the Spring of
1940, Mr. Frankenhuis, fearing the worst, had his posters crated



The theme of the soldier pointing at "VOU" was universal
in the posters of the First World War period.

and stored under an assumed name in a bonded vN'arehouse in Am¬
sterdam. The Nazis, searching for secreted Jewish property, did
not take long to come upon the collection. To this day some of
the posters bear the grimy impressions of jackboots, and one can
imagine the scene of the Gestapo breaking into the crates and
hurriedly going through their contents, strewing the posters face
  v.24,no.1(1974:Nov): Page 22