Columbia Library columns (v.26(1976Nov-1977May))

(New York :  Friends of the Columbia Libraries.  )



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  v.26,no.3(1977:May): Page 32  

32                                 Kenneth A. Lohf

Brown gift. In honor of the 25th anniversary of the Friends Mr.
Andreas Brown has presented a copy of Samuel Beckett's previ¬
ously unpublished All Strange Away, issued in New York in a
limited edition late in 1976. The volume, illustrated by E.dward
Gorey, is signed by both the author and the artist.

Poetry Society of America Gold Medal awarded to Melville Cane
in 1971. (Cane gift)

Cane gift. Mr. Melville Cane (A.B., 1900; LL.B., 1903) in his re¬
cent gift has added the following to the collection of his papers:
a poetry notebook, dated April 15, 1964, containing holograph
copies of poems written since his To Build a Fire; a scrapbook of
articles by him and reviews of his works published from 1964 to
1975; a group of twenty-five letters from writers and friends, in¬
cluding five from Lewis Mumford; eleven medals and awards,
among which is the Poetry Society of America Gold iMedal
awarded to iVIr. Cane on April 22, 1971, the Columbia University
Medal for Service awarded in 1948, and the Harcourt Brace Chair¬
man's Medal for Achievement in the Arts of Publishing awarded
in 1974; and more than thirty volumes and issues of periodicals, in
several of which poems by Mr. Cane are printed. Also presented
by Mr. Cane is a letter written by Williain Makepeace Thackeray,
late in the summer of 1851, to the writer Anna Jameson in which
he refers to a recent visit to Goethe's daughter Ottilie in Weimar.
  v.26,no.3(1977:May): Page 32