Columbia Library columns (v.27(1977Nov-1978May))

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  v.27,no.1(1977:Nov): Page 10  

10                                   Doreen Geary

since both Lie and Hammarskjold played important roles in inter¬
national affairs and in evolving and developing the political con¬
cept of the office which they held.

It was my privilege to serve with Andrew Cordier for twelve

President Harry Truman, accompanied by Cordier (left) and Secretary-
General Dag Hammarskjold, on the occasion of his visit to the completed
United Nations Headquarters buildings in New York on Julv 3, 1953.

years at the United Nations as his personal assistant and until he
left that organization in 1962 to join Columbia University. It was
just another twelve years later, in 1974, that I came from Canada
to work with him once more—this time at Columbia where I was
to collaborate with him on a book he planned to write about the
United Nations and which would contain his own personal recol¬
lections of the earlier years of the world body. Unfortunately, ow¬
ing to frail health, he was unable to carry out his wish and one
year after my arrival he passed away. This was indeed tragic, for
  v.27,no.1(1977:Nov): Page 10