Columbia Library columns (v.27(1977Nov-1978May))

(New York :  Friends of the Columbia Libraries.  )



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  v.27,no.1(1977:Nov): Page 21  

Lynd Ward                                     21

The Columbia jester, a college periodical which seems noteworthy
for its Editors-in-Chief, for previous to Ward's service it was
headed by such notables as iMorris Ryskind, Bennett Cerf, and
George iVIacy. Upon graduation in 1926 he married .May .McNeer,

L\*nd Ward and his wife, Ma\- .McXeer, in his studio, 1951.

the famous writer of children's books, many of which were later
illustrated by her no less famous artist-illustrator husband. For
their honeymoon, they were given a family gift of a year's travel
and study in Europe. After the magic of traveling all over Europe,
they settled in Leipzig for the remainder of the year where May
wrote, and Lynd attended the Leipzig Academy of Graphic Arts.
Here AVard studied the graphic art processes of the woodcut,
wood engraving, etching, mezzotint, and lithogtaphy. The stu¬
dents at the Academy were left to their own devices—without be¬
ing hampered, they could produce any image they wished as they
  v.27,no.1(1977:Nov): Page 21