Columbia Library columns (v.27(1977Nov-1978May))

(New York :  Friends of the Columbia Libraries.  )



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  v.27,no.3(1978:May): Page 11  

The Daily Diaries of Hester Lynch Piozzi             11

had no time to keep regular daily diaries, though there are a few
note books containing some personal entries and financial details.
For example. The Daily Jotirnals for 1757 and 1761, and The
Ladies Own Memorandum Book for 1773 have survix'cd and arc at

Mrs. Piozzi on her 80th birthdav, Januar\- 27, 1820:

after the painting h\ Hopwood, engraved

b\' James Thomson.

the John Rylaiids Library in Manchester, E.ngland, but they con¬
tain practically nothing of any importance. The latter is largely
a memorandum book with numerous notes about clients of the
Thrale brewery, at a time when Mrs. Thrale had thrown herself
into efforts to bring it out of a financial crisis.

After her marriage to Piozzi and their rerurn to London in 1787
she did make some jottings in daily diaries, for the most patt merely
  v.27,no.3(1978:May): Page 11