Columbia Library columns (v.28(1978Nov-1979May))

(New York :  Friends of the Columbia Libraries.  )



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  v.28,no.1(1978:Nov): Page 33  

Our Growing Collections


Anspacher gift. Mr. John M. Anspacher (A.B., 1938) has donated
a handsome oil portrait of his late uncle, the poet Dr. Louis K.
Anspacher (A.M., i899;LL.B., 1902). Measuring 45 by 32 inches,
the portrait was painted by August Franzen, ca. 1900, shortly
after Anspacher received his master's degree from Columbia

Bletter gift. Professor Rosemaric Blettcr has presented an impor¬
tant contemporary literary document: Christopher Logue's work¬
ing manuscript for his Patrocleia: Book XVI of Homer's "Iliad"
Freely Adapted into English Verse, published in 1962 by the
Scorpion Press. Logue's Patrocleia has often been recognized as
one of the finest achievements in adapting Homer for present-day
readers. This manuscript, mounted in a loose-leaf notebook, is
comprised of autograph drafts and carbon copy typescripts, inter¬
spersed in the author's typical fashion with doodles, sketches and
cuttings from Superman comics and other printed sources.

Broivn gift. Mr. James Oliver Brown has presented the papers of
John Cushman Associates, Inc., the New York literary agency ac¬
quired by Mr. Brown's agency in March of this year. The files, dat¬
ing from 1965 until the date of merger, include nearly 47,000 pieces
of correspondence with authors, publishers and other agents, and
deal with the editing and publishing of American and English
books. There are extensive files of letters from Alfred Alvarez,
Lawrence Durrell, H. Montgomery Hyde, Doris Lessing, Mary
Renault, C P. Snow, Julian Symons, Honor Tracy and John

Cane gift. Mx.MAv'iWtCint (A.B., i9oo;LL.B., 1903) continues
to add important letters and first editions to the collection of his

  v.28,no.1(1978:Nov): Page 33