Columbia Library columns (v.28(1978Nov-1979May))

(New York :  Friends of the Columbia Libraries.  )



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  v.28,no.1(1978:Nov): Page 46  

Activities of the Friends

Fall Meeting. The fall dinner meeting, held in the Rotunda and
the Faculty Room of Cow .Memorial Library on Thursday evening,
October 16, featured a talk, "A Life in the Arts," by Schuyler
Chapin, former general manager of the Metropolitan Opera, who
is now Dean of the School of the Arts at Columbia.

Winter Meeting. A reception in the Rotunda of Low Memorial
Library on Thursday afternoon, February i, 1979, will open the
exhibition, "From Picasso to Rauschenberg," a twenty-five year
survey of acquisitions on the Albert Ulmann Fund. The donor of
the Fund, Ruth Ulmann Samuel, will be the guest of honor.

Finances. For the twelve-month period which ended on June 30,
1978, the general purpose contributions totaled $23,790, and the
special purpose gifts, $12,360. The Friends also donated or be¬
queathed books and manuscripts having an appraised value of
$125,723, bringing the total value of gifts and contributions .since
the establishment of the association in 1951 to $2,572,951. In addi¬
tion to the above income, $1,406 was realized from the sale of the
Colmnns and the Masefield exhibition catalogue.


Rarities for Research: ipjS Gifts

Septe.mber 20—Dece.mher 8
  v.28,no.1(1978:Nov): Page 46