Columbia Library columns (v.28(1978Nov-1979May))

(New York :  Friends of the Columbia Libraries.  )



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  v.28,no.2(1979:Feb): Page 27  

Other Creations by Tibor Gergely                     27

In 1940 they collaborated on Topsy Turvy Circus, published by
Harper and Brothers; The Merry Shipwreck was published by
Harper the following year. The predominant characteristics of
Gergely's style are apparent in these two stories: strong, bright

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Gergely's cartoon, "The Exodus of Talent," which appeared in the

early 1930s, satirized the German attitude toward the departure of

intellectuals. The artist's caption on the original drawing reads:

Eiljstehl: "Evervthing is relative. The\- believe that this is victory."

color; flar surfaces with bold outlines; crowded, bustling scenes
creating a dynamic sense of movement and life. The subjects are
also typical of those for which Gergely did his best work: animal
stories were dearest to his heart, especially those in which the
tables are turned and the animals have a chance to exhibit a very
human spirit of mischief and adventure.

In 1942 Duplaix became head of the new Grapliics Department
at Simon and Schuster, and he introduced Gergely to Lucille Ogle,
  v.28,no.2(1979:Feb): Page 27