Columbia Library columns (v.28(1978Nov-1979May))

(New York :  Friends of the Columbia Libraries.  )



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  v.28,no.2(1979:Feb): Page 39  

Our Growing Collections                          39

as Trustee and member of numerous College alumni committees.
Among the correspondents represented in the papers are Nicholas
Murray Butler, Harry J. Carman, Thomas E. Dewey, Dwight D.
Eisenhower, W. Averell Harriman, Hubert H. Humphrey, John
F. Kennedy, Robert F. Kennedy, Arthur Hays Sulzberger and
Herbert Bayard Swope.

Holden gift. A gift of 3,385 volumes in the field of economics has
been received from Mr. Arthur C. Holden (B.Arch., 1915; A.M.,
1915), architect, collector, and author of numerous essays and
books on finance and urban planning. Nearly all aspects of eco¬
nomics are represented in the gift, which includes imprints of the
eighteenth through twentieth centuries. .Most important are works
relating to business cycles, banks and banking, public finance,
money, credit, taxation, international finance, trade, wages, labor
and political movements. Of special interest in Mr. Holden's gift
are early editions of the works of Jeremy Bentham, John Bright,
Mathew Carey, Thomas R. Malthus, John Stuart Mill and David
Ricardo, all of which complement the resources of the Edwin
Seligman Collection.

iMr. Flolden also donated to the Avery Library a group of books
and drawings pertaining to architecture, New York land utiliza¬
tion projects, and social and urban planning. Included also are a
fine charcoal rendering by Hugh Ferriss and a group of three
photographs, dating from ca. 1895, of Seth Low and other officers
of Columbia.

Kempner gift. Mr. Alan H. Kempner (A.B., 1917) has presented
a portfolio of plates, Les Gemnies et Joyaux de la Couronne aii
Musee du Louvre, published in Paris in i886, based on the draw¬
ings by Jules Jacquemart. The sixty folio plates are accompanied
by explanatory text by Barbet de Jouy and an introduction by
Alfred Darcel.

Kissner gift. Mr. Franklin H. Kissner has presented 266 first edi¬
tions, chiefly the writings of twentieth century British authors,
  v.28,no.2(1979:Feb): Page 39