Columbia Library columns (v.28(1978Nov-1979May))

(New York :  Friends of the Columbia Libraries.  )



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  v.28,no.3(1979:May): Page 4  

4                                  Kenneth A. I^ohf

fourth birthday. When making the toast, Horace Mann, a long¬
time friend of the family, presented to George Macy a stout folio
volume bound in full brown morocco. Entitled Liber Amicorum
of Congratulations and Good Will to G.M., the volume contained
nearly one hundred afl^ectionate letters, original drawings with
warm inscriptions, and commemorative broadsides printed for the

The title-leaf was designed and printed by T. M. Cleland, who
also contributed a foreword. The detailed charcoal portrait of
G. M. by Norman Rockwell appeared as the frontispiece. In his
foreword Cleland described the contents of the Liber Amicorum
as "a variety of expressions of friendship, admiration and respect,
all of them, whether humorous, sentimental, or serious, being re¬
plete with good will, and aimed at doing honor upon this historical
occasion." Cleland inscribed his dramatic watercolor sketch of a
revolutionary soldier, "To G. M. our hero of the Battle of the
Books," while Thomas Hart Benton in his self-portrait on a horse
toasts "the twenty-five years—may they continue on—and, by the
way may I continue to participate in them." Lynd Ward's lively
pen drawing is of a juggler of words named George Jester, the
pseudonym used by George Macy when, as an undergraduate, he
edited the Columbia Jester.

The Liber Americorum, which has come to the Libraries by be¬
quest from the publisher's widow, the late Helen Macy, is now
part of the George and Helen Macy Memorial Collection in the
Rare Book and Manuscript Library. It was Helen Macy's wish
that this remarkable volume be preserved alongside the publica¬
tions of the Limited Editions Club and other items of memorabilia
as a permanent record of the friendships and associations which
made possible the Club's achievements as publishers of fine books.
  v.28,no.3(1979:May): Page 4