Columbia Library columns (v.28(1978Nov-1979May))

(New York :  Friends of the Columbia Libraries.  )



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  v.28,no.3(1979:May): Page 26  

26                                 Joseph H. Smith

The laws of March i, 1664/5, over eighty in number, are ar¬
ranged by subject matter in alphabetical order; this format may
have derived from the English abridgments or the Massachusetts
Bay code of 1660. A number of titles deal with procedure in civil

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The laws relating to Indians were remarkably ptocccti\x as is shown in
this excerpt from the Van Cortlandt manuscript: "All Injuryes done to
the Indyans, of what nature so ever, shall upon their complaint, and proofe
thereof in any Court, have speedy redresse gratis, against any Christian,
in as full and ample manner (with reasonable allowance of damage) as if
the Case had beenc betwixt Christian and Christian." On the same page of
the manuscript are provisions for the fair purchase of Indian lands, and for
the prohibition of the sale of firearms to them, "nor an\' vessell of burthen,
or Rowe boatc (Canooes onel\' excepted) without licence. . . ."

actions, law enforcement, the establishment of courts, the ap¬
pointment and regulation of vatious officials, town matters, and
taxation. Property rights are covered by titles dealing with the
administration of estates, real property, horse marks, negotiable
instruments and wrecks of the sea. Various regulatory provisions
deal with innkeepers and ordinaries, Indians, brewers, cattle and
fencing, surgeons, physicians and midwives, weights and measures,
and wolf bounties. Domestic relations arc covered by laws relating
to master and servant, children, marriages, dowries, births and bur¬
ials. Other provisions of importance appear under the titles Bond
Slavery, Church, Indians, Military Affairs and Oaths. Guarantees
of individual rights and representation in the legislative process are
  v.28,no.3(1979:May): Page 26