Columbia Library columns (v.30(1980Nov-1981May))

(New York :  Friends of the Columbia Libraries.  )



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  v.30,no.1(1980:Nov): Page 44  

Activities of the Friends

Fall Meeting. At the fall dinner meeting, held in the Rotunda of
Low Memorial Library on Thursday evening, November 6, Frank
MacShane, Professor in the School of the Arts, spoke on "John
O'Hara, Raymond Chandler and the Writing of Biographies."
University Librarian Patricia Battin presented the Libraries' Ci¬
tation for Distinguished Service to Donald S. Klopfer. A Citation
was also awarded posthumously to the late Ruth Ulmann Samuel.
On view was "Fifty Treasures from Fifty Years," an exhibition
in honor of rhe fiftieth anniversary of the Rare Book and iManu-
script Library.

Winter Meeting. .\ reception in the Low Library Rotunda on
Thursday afternoon, February 5, 1981, will open an exhibition
of first editions, manuscripts, portraits and memorabilia of Ben¬
jamin Disraeli. Commemorating the one hundredth anniversary
of Disraeli's death, the exhibition will be drawn primarily from
the recent gift made by ^^'illiam B. Liebmann.

Bancroft Dini/er. The Bancroft Awards dinner will be held on
Thursday evening, April 2, 1981.

Finances. For the twelve-month period which ended on June 30,
1980, the general purpose contributions totaled $23,667, and the
special purpose gifts, $48,688. The Friends also donated and be¬
queathed books and manuscripts having an appraised value of
1199,391, bringing the total of all gifts and contributions since
the establishment of the association in 1951 to $3,108,745. A trans¬
fer of $10,000 from the operating account enabled the Friends
Fund to reach the goal, set in 1966, of an endowment of 1100,000.

  v.30,no.1(1980:Nov): Page 44