Columbia Library columns (v.30(1980Nov-1981May))

(New York :  Friends of the Columbia Libraries.  )



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  v.30,no.2(1981:Feb): Page 36  

Our Growing Collections


Ackerman estate gift. A collection of books from the library of
the late Carl William Ackerman (B.Litt., 1913), Dean of the
School of Journalism from 1931 ro 1956, has been donated by the
estate of his son, Douglas Y. Acketman. In addition to more than
one thousand volumes in the fields of public affairs and history,
the gift includes files of correspondence and notes pertaining ro
Dean Ackernian's research on the Swedish financict Hokan
Bjornstrom Steffanson.

Allen gift. Ms. Alice Allen has donated three posters done in the
1890s for Lippincott's Magazine, including nvo handsome and
colorful examples of graphic design bv Will Carqueville for the
May 1895 is,sue and J. J. Gould for the i\Liy 1896 issue.

Altschul gift. Mr. Frank Altschul (L.L.D., 1971), investment
banker, philanthropisr and founder of the Overbrook Press, has
presented his papers, including files relating to his work with tlie
Council on Foreign Relations and Radio Free Europe, the opera¬
tions of the Overbrook Press and numerous societies and organ¬
izations with which he was asosciated. Included is correspondence
with Herbert H. Lehman, John J. .McCloy, Henry Kissinger,
Wendell L. M'illkie, George Kennan, Rudolf Ruczika, \^alenti
Angelo and Thomas .M. Cleland. Housed in the Herbert Lehman
Suite in the International Affairs Building, the papers will not be
available for use until the work of cataloguing has been completed.

Ascher estate gift. The estate of Charles Stern Asclier (A.B.,
1920; LL.B., 1921), through the generosity and thoughtfulness of
his children. Dr. Robert C. Ascher and Mrs. Joan Cardon, has pre¬
sented the papers of rhe authority on housing, planning and pub¬
lic administration. Among the 94,000 pieces of correspondence,

  v.30,no.2(1981:Feb): Page 36