Columbia Library columns (v.30(1980Nov-1981May))

(New York :  Friends of the Columbia Libraries.  )



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  v.30,no.3(1981:May): Page 48  

Activities of the Friends

Bancroft Awards Dimier. The Rotunda of Low Memorial Li¬
brary was the setting on Thursday evening, April 2, for the annual
Bancroft Awards Dinner, sponsored by rhe Friends. Dr. Gordon
N. Ray, Chairman, presided. Provost Fritz Stern announced the
winners of rhe 1981 awards for books published in 1980 which
a jury deemed of exccprional merit and distinction in the fields of
American history and diplomacy. Awards were presented for
the following : Ronald Steel, Walter Lippmann and the Ameri¬
can Century, published by Little, Brown & Company; and Jean
Strouse, Alice James: A Biography, published by Houghton,
Alifflin Company. The Provost presented to the author of each
book a $4,000 award from funds provided by the Edgar A. and
Frederic Bancroft Foundation, and Dr. Ray presented citations to
the publishers. The evening's program also included responses by
each of the award-winning authors.

Future Meetings: Aleetings of the Friends during 1981-82 have
been scheduled for the following dates: Fall meeting, Thursday
evening, October 29; Winter Exhibition opening, Thursday af¬
ternoon, February 4; and the Bancroft Awards Dinner, Thursday
evening, April i.


Gerhart Hauptmann: His Career and His Visit
to Columbia in i()^2

February 26-i\lay 31

Dizzy and Beaconsfield: Benjamin Disraeli Centenary
June 29-September 16
  v.30,no.3(1981:May): Page 48