Columbia Library columns (v.32(1982Nov-1983May))

(New York :  Friends of the Columbia Libraries.  )



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  v.32,no.2(1983:Feb): Page 30  

30                                 Kenneth A. Lohf

line, the map, printed by Robert Kennedy in Philadelphia, was
issued in t^vo sheets, measuring 15 3/8 by 27 5/8 inches and 26 by
20 7/8 inches. The eastern line could be fitted on to a single cop¬
perplate, but because tlie western line was three times longer it had

Cartouche from the western section of the Mason and Dixon map.

to be divided into three parts, one engraved under the other. The
printed parts could be fitted together and joined to the eastern
section to complete the map of the entire Pennsylvania-Maryland

The eastern half has a cartouche bearing the title A Plan of the
Boundary Lines between the Province of Maryland and the Three
Lower Counties on Delaware with Part of The Parallel of Latitude
which is the Boundary between the Provinces of Maryland and
Pennsylvania, and the west section a cartouche with the title A
Plan of the West Line or Parallel of Latitude, which is the Bound¬
ary between the Provinces of Maryland and Pensylvania, the
latter showing the older spelling "Pensylvania." In the cartouche
of the former are two delicately drawn trees supporting a staff
from which hangs a banner with the calligraphic title; in the car¬
touche of the west section, signed "J. Smither Sculpst.," are de¬
picted finely engraved trees, an Indian headdress, two groups of
standing Indians, various surveying instruments and a rolled map,
  v.32,no.2(1983:Feb): Page 30