Columbia Library columns (v.32(1982Nov-1983May))

(New York :  Friends of the Columbia Libraries.  )



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  v.32,no.3(1983:May): Page 16  


Ene Sirvet

especially prominent in mercantile affairs, establishing a connec¬
tion with a notable Dutch firm, Daniel Crommelin and Son. Fran¬
ces's father, a distinguished judge on the colonial New York Su¬
preme Court, remained loyal to the British Crown. As a Royal

JVIiniature portrait of Frances Duncan Ludlow Har¬
ison, ca. 1795-97, attributed to Benjamin Trott.
(Harison gift)

officeholder and an avowed tory, he had been placed under penalty
of death and had had his lands confiscated under the patriot State
Assembly's 1779 Act of Attainder, whereas the British military
governor the following year appointed Judge Ludlow Superin¬
tendent of Police on Long Island.

Harison and the Ludlows resided in the same area, were involved
in the legal profession and mingled in the same social circle. It is
  v.32,no.3(1983:May): Page 16