Columbia Library columns (v.33(1983Nov-1984May))

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  v.33,no.1(1983:Nov): Page 10  

10                                    Karl Beckson

ably lonely here—I lay on the sofa all Saturday & Sunday—no one
asks me anywhere now—in the autumn / 7mist try to get some¬
thing to do. . . ." In early 1935, Arthur told her: "I myself seem
to be failing in all kinds of ways, including my eyesight. I have
prayed to GOD so many times to help you that I am certain He
will." Later that year, at their flat in St. John's AVood, Rhoda fell
on the stairs and suffered a heart attack (Arthur, "brain paralysed"
by the sight of Rhoda lying there and groaning, made no attempt
to help).

As the end approaclicd, Rhoda arranged with their housekeeper
for Arthur's care and in the final weeks wrote what was probably
her final note to him:

Dear Arthur: Don't worry. "S'ou know how glad I am to
go. Live as long as you can & enjoy life. You can have
everything you want. You have only to ask Bessie.

Always yours
  v.33,no.1(1983:Nov): Page 10