Columbia Library columns (v.33(1983Nov-1984May))

(New York :  Friends of the Columbia Libraries.  )



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  v.33,no.1(1983:Nov): Page 13  

Richard Aldington and His Postscript                13

gust). For each of tlic four installments, Aldington received
$1000. The total payment, he declared, solved his financial prob¬
lems "for some time to come." And so Aldington put aside the
typescripts of his lectures, and they were covered with other pa-

Richard Aldington and his daughter Catherine at Montpcllier, 1955.

pers and packed into boxes filled with more papers while Alding¬
ton moved about the United States—Old Lyme, Washington,
Hollywood, Taos, Nokomis in Florida—until at last the boxes
were taken to Jamaica and then to Paris when Aldington returned
there with Netta and Catherine in August or September 1946.
Eventually the lectures got into a "crowded cupboard in a cor¬
ridor" of Les Rosiers, a pension in Montpellier, where x\ldington
lived with his daughter. He and Netta had agreed to a separation
  v.33,no.1(1983:Nov): Page 13