Columbia Library columns (v.33(1983Nov-1984May))

(New York :  Friends of the Columbia Libraries.  )



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  v.33,no.3(1984:May): Page 14  


Esther Ahiiaker

rather than on the acquiring of knowledge and insight in his the¬
rapy, would have liked that for his one hundredth birthday.

In her biography of Rank, Jessie Taft, in referring to the diaries
speaks of the sense of "authority" and of "assurance" which they

The psychoanalytic inner circle, Berlin, 1922: standing, left to right. Otto
Rank, Karl Abraham, Max Eitingon, Ernest Jones; seated, Sigmund I'Vcud,
Sandor Fcrenczi, Hans Sachs. (Alarv Evans/Sigmund Freud Copsrights)

convey. I agree, but it is more than that. In the rather small, ele¬
gant calligraphy, the absence of corrections, the placement of
sentences on the page and the sense of organization, one per¬
ceives how seriously the young man took himself; one feels his
effort to create himself not only through the content of his record
of "moods, impressions and feelings" but in its very format. The
pages are carefully numbered, the headings arc often underlined,
the paragraphs are well indented at the topical headings and the
ending of the development of an idea is often marked by a small.
  v.33,no.3(1984:May): Page 14