Frederick Rolfe MYnes to Wilfred Meynell 25
"I am disappointed that Note v.
you do not try your hand I will not take up a fresh
as a reader—" trade because 1 have already
a good one at my disposal & I
am too wearied with my struggles
& starvations to give my atten¬
tion, at 3 3, to a new, & uncertain
To the above I must add that I have written down my scheme, and it
is at present in the hands of a lawyer in London, whose name you may
know, & who shall be told of your desire to interest yourself in mc if
you wish it.
I must beg your pardon for sending this letter unstamped. I have not
had a penny for the last ten da\s & 1 shall not have until I am paid for
some pictures of mine which have been bought by the "Studio" for
the June N°. lA'Ieanwhilc I get my food from a Protestant curate here
who is a good fellow & knows perfectly well that there is no intention
on my part to repay him by my apostasy.
If there is anything more to be said may I you to say it at once &
put me out of my misery. If not, tell me definitely that 1 may use the
letters you have favoured mc with to show (not spitefully or an\thing
of that sort) that I have asked help of Catholics & thc\- have not
helped me.
Faithfully yours
Frederick William Rolfe