Meinories of \Uss Moffat 17
cord some of my memories and to summarize the life of a woman
who should be better known than she is.
Among fellow members of New AOrk's Poetry Society, the
National Association of AAOmen Artists, and The Society of
Adelene Aloffat was t\\cnt\--onc and teaching in
Gallatin, Tennessee \\ hen this photograph was taken.
Woman Geographers, Adelene Aloffat had a reputation as a rac¬
onteur and one whose stories varied little w ith repetition. One of
her favorites concetned the birth of a child on Alay 5, 1862, at
College Hill, a suburb of Cleveland, Ohio, through which the
Moffat family was passing. The seven-months bab\' seemed life¬
less, and there was a caul over its face. One of the mother's helpers