Our Growing Collections
Barnouw gift. For addition to the collection of his papers Profes¬
sor Emeritus Erik Barnouw has presented more than one hundred
manuscripts, letters, proofs and related materials, including the
papers relating to his books, A History of Broadcastbig in the
United States, Documentary: A History of the Non-Fiction Film,
Handbook of Radio Writing, The Sponsor: Notes on. a Modern
Potentate, The Magician and the Cinema, and the revised edition
of Indian Fihn. In addition, the gift includes files relating to Pro¬
fessor Barnouw's lectures, articles, broadcasts, the Robert Flaherty
Film Seminar, and his important work relating to the creation of
the Motion Picture, Broadcasting and Recorded Sound Division
of the Library of Congress, of which he served as Chief from 1978
to 1981. There are letters from Pearl S. Buck, Norman Corwin,
Paul Horgan, Akira Iwasaki, Pare Lorcntz and Roger lA-Ianvell,
among numerous others.
Benkovitz gift. Professor Aliriam Benkovitz has presented the pa¬
pers of Charles Wrey Gardiner, English poet, and founder and
editor of Poetry Quarterly and the Grey AA'alls Press, both of
which existed during the Second AA'orld AA'ar and the period im-
mediateU' following. Included in the gift are inscribed first edi¬
tions of Gardiner's books of poetry, manuscript drafts of poems,
diaries dated 1918-1981, an account book of expenditures and
books purchased, and correspondence with the poets and editors,
Edwin Brock, Alex Comfort, Dannie Abse, Denise Levertov,
Kenneth Patchen and James Laughlin, and with members of his
family. There are also holograph manuscripts of three of his un¬
published autobiographical novels, "No Aloncy for Dreams,"
"The Frail Screen" and "Black Sahara."