Columbia Library columns (v.34(1984Nov-1985May))

(New York :  Friends of the Columbia Libraries.  )



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  v.34,no.1(1984:Nov): Page 45  

Our Groiving Collections                          45

Saffron gift. Dr. Morris H. Safl'ron (A.B., 1925; A.M., 1949;
Ph.D., 1968) has donated a group of thirty-one first editions and
reference works, among which is a bound file of the first 52 issues
comprising volume one of The New-York Mirror, published in
1824, and edited by Samuel AA'oolworth and George Pope Morris.

Schaefler gift. Continuing their series of annual gifts. Dr. and Mrs.
Sam Schaefler have this year presented several rare and important
printed and manuscript items: a group of seventeen manuscripts,
documents, broadsides and books relating to the French Revolu¬
tion, among which the most important is a contemporary six-page
handwritten account of the demonstrations that broke out in
Grenoble on June 7, 1788, at the beginning of the Revolution; six
bookplates relating to Columbia, including those of Nicholas
Murray Butler, Myles Cooper, Richard Harison, William Samuel
Johnson and Nathaniel Fish Moore; Alexander Petzholdt's Der
Kaukasus, Leipzig, 1866, with the bookplate of Tsar Alexander II
and in a Russian Imperial binding in full crimson morocco decor¬
ated in gilt; Voltaire's Candide, Paris, 1930, with hand colored il¬
lustrations by Robert Polack; and Albert Rhys Williams's Throtigb
the Russian. Revolution.,'Ne\vYor\<:, 1921, inscribed by the author.

Spector gift. Mr. and Mrs. George Spcctor have presented the
print of an early etching by Rockwell Kent, "Oak Street, Ne\y
York," done ca. 1910. The etching, made by Kent at the time he
was working in New York under John Sloan's guidance, is similar
to that of the "King Street" etching, of which the Library's col¬
lection has the only known print.

Sypher gift. AVorks by Thomas Fuller, AA'alter Savage Landor,
John Milton, Oppianus, Dante Gabriel Rossetti and Joannes Nich-
olai Secundus are among the fifteen \ olumes recently donated by
Mr. Frank J. Sypher (A.B., 1963; A.M., 1964; Ph.D., 1968).
Most unusual among the items in Alt. Sypher's gift are three com¬
plete decks of playing cards: the decks were printed in England,
  v.34,no.1(1984:Nov): Page 45