Activities of the Friends
Finances. General purpose contributions during the twelve month
period which ended on June 30th, 1984, totaled ,131,495, a three
percent increase over the previous year. Special purpose gifts to¬
taled $130,375; contributions from individual Friends designated
for the Rare Book and Alanuscript Library building fund totaled
$254,490; and gifts in kind received during the year amounted to
$167,637. The total of all gifts and contributions since the estab¬
lishment of the a.ssociation in 1951 now stands at $5,010,521. The
Council also approved a transfer of $10,000 to the Rare Book and
Alanuscript Library building fund, the fourth installment of the
pledge made by die Friends to this project.
New Coirncit Members. Mrs. lola S. Haverstick and Alessrs. T,
Peter Kraus and Stuart B. Schimmel have been elected to serve on
the Council of the Friends.
Fall Meeting. The fall meeting, a reception on the occasion of the
opening of the Rare Book and Af anuscript Library, will be held
on AA'ednesday afternoon, December 5. The winter exhibition
opening in the new Library is scheduled for Thursday afternoon,
March 7, and the Bancroft Awards Dinner \yill be held in die Ro¬
tunda of Low Memorial Library on Thursday evening, April 4.