Gifts in Honor of the Opening of the
Rare Book and Manuscript Library
Clifford gift. A group of six eighteenth century books has been
presented by Airs. A^irginia Clifford, including: the first Dublin
edition of Hcstet Lynch Piozzi's Anecdotes of the late Samuel
Johnson, 1786; three volumes of the 1767 edition of The Ram¬
bler, inscribed by Mrs. Piozzi on the title page, "The Gift of
H. L. Thrale, 1770"; and the novel by the theatrical manager and
writer Benjamin A^ictor, The Widow of the M'ood, published
anonymously in 1755 and suppressed b\- members of the family
of Sir AA'illiam AA'olscly.
Cohen gift. Air. and Airs. Hcrnran Cohen have presented one of
the monumental works of printing of this century, the Kdizione
Nazionale di Tutte le Opera di Gabrielle d'Annwrzio, printed at
the Officina Bodoni by Hans Mardersteig in A'erona from 1927
to 1936. Printed entirely by hand, the set presented by lAlr. and
Mrs. Cohen is the only copy on Japan vellum recorded as being
in a fibrary in the country. The work, in forty-nine volumes,
bound in full vellum, is a landmark publication in terms of the
history of the press; the commission to print a complete edition
of D'Annunzio's works came from the Italian government which
insisted that lAIardersteig move his press from A'lontagnola,
Switzerland, to Verona to produce the work; it was in A'erona
that he operated his distingiushed press from that time imtil his
Crawford gift. Mr. John AL Crawford, Jr., has presented the
splendid folio. The Art Work of Louis C. Tiffany, published in
1914 in a limited edition for pri\ate distribution. Illustrated with
more than sixty full-page photographs, the volume, in a handsome