30 Kenneth A. Lohf
published, AA'alkcr Percy, Jo\ ce Carol Oates, and James Alerrill,
to single out a few from among the scores of names. Because of her
interest in the theater, we were not surprised to find several shelves
of first editions of plays by Samuel Beckett, Hatold Pintet, Tom
Stoppard, and Tennessee AA'illiams, as well.
In the autumn following A4argie's death, her neicc. Airs. Carol
Z. Rothkopf (A.M., 1952), made substantial additions to the be¬
quest. She presented the collection of inscribed photographs that
had lined the walls of Flouse of Books—those awesome and im-
ptessive portraits of Tom and A'alerie Eliot, Frost, John Gals¬
worthy, and AV. Somerset A'laugham, among many others, friends
about whom Margie often reminisced to visitors in the shop. Also
donated were the lengthy files of Margie's correspondence with
Eliot, Frost, and Marianne .A'loore, «-hich document her lone; and
warm associations with these poets.
Of special importance is Mrs. Rothkopf's gift of the files relat¬
ing to the Crown Octavo Series of books published by the Cohns
in limited editions under the House of Books imprint between
1932 and 1969. These small, thin, handsomely printed volumes
of texts by Ernest Hemingway, Thomas AA'olfe, Eudora Welty,
Eliot, Frost, Tennessee AA^illiams, and others, illusttate that the
Cohns not only sold good books but produced them as well. In
addition to copy number one, signed, of each publication, many
of which are inscribed as well, the files include manuscripts and
corrected typescripts, galley and page proofs, and letters and
cards relating to editorial matters.
lA'Iargie concludes her prefatory remarks in the fiftieth anni-
\ersary catalogue by expressing her gratiutde that "so many
customers have become friends and that this . . . catalogue seems a
natural consequence of those friendships." In her generous bequest
Margie has extended that friendship to the Library and to those
whose studies of the writers and poets of the twentieth century
will benefit from the books that formed the House of Books.