Columbia Library columns (v.35(1985Nov-1986May))

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  v.35,no.1(1985:Nov): Page 6  

6                                 Carol Z. Rothkopf

game in June 1928 that provided the setting in which he met his
lifetime partner in that work. The momentousness of the meeting
was obvious as Margie almost immediately telegraphed her sister,
who was then on her wedding trip, "No time to w rite, new boy¬
friend, stayed till 2 a..m."


52 east ;6th street
new york city

House of Books, Ltd. will open on October 10, /pjo,
under the direction of Capt. Louis Henry Cohn.
The shop will specialize in Modern First Editions and
Current  Books.     Telephone   Wickersham S2iS.

The firm opened the month after the Cohns were married.

iMargic and "new boyfriend," who were both ardent Franco¬
philes, soon began to plan their life "at leisure" in Paris. But, as
Margie said years later, "Nineteen twenty-nine burst that bubble
and finally we decided that Louis's a\'Ocation must become our
vocation." They were married in September 1930, dashed off to
Bermuda on their honeymoon (where thc\' managed to squeeze in
a visit with Hcrvcy Allen and his wife), returned to New York,
and opened House of Books.

Among the most important connections the Cohns had in the
book world was Maxwell Perkins, whom Louis had met on his fre¬
quent trips to Scribner's, first on behalf of Galsworthy, whose
American liaison with the firm he was, and then, of course, in pur¬
suit of his interest in Hemingway. It was through Perkins that
Louis met Thomas Wolfe. Perkins asked Louis to introduce Wolfe
  v.35,no.1(1985:Nov): Page 6