2 6 /. Howard Woohner
Autobiography. Margie had met Lawrence Durrell at a cocktail
party some time before and had asked him to let her publish a piece
on Provence that had appeared in Holiday Magazine. He couldn't
give it to her as it was to appear as part of a series in a book of
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jMargie Cohn's copy of the last publication of the Crown Octavos,
The Tntth <^ Life of Mytlj, 1969, is inscribed to her by the author,
Robert Duncan, with a pen and ink self-portrait.
travel essays, but he did promise to send her something else. While
she was waiting for Durrell's piece (it never arrived), Duncan
dropped into her office on bis way to Faigland, and she asked him
if he was ever going to have anything for her. He handed her this
essay. She read it, couldn't make head nor tail of it, but decided to
publish it anyway. It came out in January 1969.
Someone once said that House of Books had the best list of
authors that any publisher had ever had with the possible excep¬
tion of Horace Liveright. Margie Cohn was proud of the books
that she published, and she had good reason to be proud of them.