Columbia Library columns (v.38(1988Nov-1989May))

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  v.38,no.1(1988:Nov): Page 24  


Marjorie Windust Halper

Alanson White Institute of Psychiatry persuaded me to be analyzed
by one of their analysts who was not in the armed services.

In this way I was introduced to the ideas of Freud. Joyce used
Freud's ideas, of course, and these were very interesting to an artist.

"Grampupus is fallen down but grinny sprids the boord ..."; pastel,

1986. Passages from Finnegans Wake suggest subjects to Marjorie

Windust Halper for her paintings.

One of the main things I came to understand about humans is that
we all have patterns of behavior, some of them completely uncon¬
scious, which control our behavior, even though sometimes they are
harmful to our health or to the smooth conduct of our daily lives.
The patterns of behavior seemed to me to have a connection with
themes in the arts. Since I was aware of themes in music, especially
the Wagner operas, I began looking for possible themes in other
branches of the arts. Great visual art certainly uses rhythms and pat-
  v.38,no.1(1988:Nov): Page 24