Columbia Library columns (v.38(1988Nov-1989May))

(New York :  Friends of the Columbia Libraries.  )



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  v.38,no.1(1988:Nov): Page 31  

Our Growing Collections


Anshen gift. Dr. Ruth Nanda Anshen has presented the original pen
and ink drawing by Saul Steinberg, "The Labyrinth," which was
published in Paul T'Alich's My Search for Absolutes, 1967; the volume
was part of the Credo Perspectives series, founded and edited by Dr.
Anshen and published by Simon and Schuster. The impressive draw¬
ing, affectionately inscribed to Dr. Anshen by the artist, measures
18'A by l2'/2 inches, and is one of seventeen drawings done by
Steinberg for the Tillich book. Dr. Anshen in her introductory essay
to the published volume describes her choice of Steinberg to com¬
ment on the text by Tillich: "The discursive language ofTillich's phil¬
osophical theology wedded to the non-discursive language of Stein¬
berg's art presents with eloquence and conviction the dual character
of transcendence and is the answer to the question: 'Why is an artist
invited to comment on a theologian?'

Bergelgift. Mrs. Sylvia C. Bergel has presented the library and papers
of her late husband, Professor Lienhard Bergel, who taught compara¬
tive literature at Rutgers University, Queens College, and the Gradu¬
ate Center of the City University of New York from 1931 until his
retirement in 1974. The collection includes files of correspondence
and manuscripts of lectures and writings on literary, aesthetic, and
cultural matters, especially his writings on the Italian philosopher
Benedetto Croce. Of special importance are the letters in the papers
to Professor Bergel from Croce, Thomas Mann, Salvatore Quasi¬
modo, and Rene Wellek, among numerous others.

Butcher gift. Professor Philip Butcher (Ph.D., 1956) has donated, for
addition to the colleaion that he has established, 129 rare and scarce
monographs, pamphlets, newspapers, and other printed material
relating to the history, literature, and language of blacks in America.
While most of the items were published from the 1940s through the
1970s, there are several important works in Professor Butcher's gift
dealing with politics and race relations which date from the first dec¬
ade of the century.

  v.38,no.1(1988:Nov): Page 31