Columbia Library columns (v.38(1988Nov-1989May))

(New York :  Friends of the Columbia Libraries.  )



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  v.38,no.1(1988:Nov): Page 43  

Activities of the Friends

Finances. General purpose contributions for the twelve-month per¬
iod ended on June 30, 1988, totaled S 34,3 55. In addition, special
purpose gifts, designated for book and manuscript purchases and
for the establishment of new endowments, amounted to $61,787.
The appraised value of gifts in kind for the same period was
$426,054, a record amount. The total of afl gifts and contributions
since the establishment of the Friends in 1951 now stands at

Fall reception. The exhibition, "Dreams and Images: The Theatre of
Robert Wilson," will open with a reception in the Kempner Exhibi¬
tion Room on Wednesday afternoon, December 7, from 5 to 7
p.m. On display will be a selection of posters and manuscripts from
the Wilson Papers donated by Mr. Wilson and Dr. Dallas Pratt, and
artworks lent by the artist.

New Council members. Messrs. Carter Burden and Martin Meisel
have been elected to serve on the Council of the Friends as members
of the Class of'91, and Mrs. Chantal Hodges as a member of the
Class of'90.

Future meetings. "The Fugitive Kind: The Theatre of Tennessee
Williams" will open with a members' preview on Wednesday after¬
noon, March 1, 1989, in the Rare Book and Manuscript Library;
and the annual Bancroft Awards Dinner will be held in the Rotunda
of Low Memorial Library on Wednesday evening, April 5, 1989.

  v.38,no.1(1988:Nov): Page 43