Columbia Library columns (v.42(1992Nov-1993May))

(New York :  Friends of the Columbia Libraries.  )



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  v.42,no.1(1992:Nov): Page 14  

14                                  Carol Z. Rothkopf

Obviously having the playscript in the Rare Book and Manu¬
script Library would be noteworthy, but the copy that has become
pan of the Columbia collections is made unique by its associations.

Marguerite A. Cohn and Carl Petersen, 1977, at the

University of Virginia reception held in her honor

(Photograph courtes\' ot the author)

It is inscribed "Carl—I'm at Claridge's, slumming with an old lady.
Tom Stoppard." On a separate sheet the "old lady" wrote, "If it
wasn't Tom, I'd be insulted!" The lady in question was Marguerite
A. Cohn, by then (the late 1970s) the doyenne of New York anti¬
quarian bookdealers. Her shop, the House of Books, was a mecca
  v.42,no.1(1992:Nov): Page 14