Columbia Library columns (v.42(1992Nov-1993May))

(New York :  Friends of the Columbia Libraries.  )



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  v.42,no.2(1993:Feb): Page 35  

Our Growing Collections                             3 5

Blunden gift. For addition to our extensive collection of Edmund
Blunden papers, Mrs, Claire Blunden has donated fourteen letters
from Sylva Norman to Edmund Blunden, dating between Decem¬
ber 1930 and December 1931. Norman collaborated with Edmund
Blunden on their 193 2 novel. We 'II Change Our Ground: or. Two on a
Tour, and became his second wife in 193 3.

Butcher gift. To his collection of literary research and study of black
writers and contemporary social history. Professor Philip Butcher
(Ph.D., 1956) has added first editions, periodical issues, photo¬
graphs, and files of papers relating to James W. Butcher, F G. Jeni¬
fer, Roy S. Simmonds, Judge Clarence Thomas, and others.

Chandler bequest. By bequest, the Rare Book and Manuscript
Library has received the papers of the late Professor Margaret K.
Chandler, the first female professor at the Graduate School of Busi¬
ness at Columbia. Professor Chandler specialized in conflict resolu¬
tion, collective bargaining, and decision making, and the more than
forty thousand items donated pertain mainly to her teaching in the
Masters Degree Program for Executives, the Institute for Not-for-
Profit Management, and the Police Management Institute at

Dewey gift. Professor Emeritus of Economics Donald Dewey has
presented to the libraries The Whole Works of Adam Smith, London,
1822. This publication, in five volumes, is the first of Smith's Works
in duodecimo format and is bound in calf and includes a hitherto
unpublished "Life of the Author,"

Hyman gift. Dr. Allen Hyman, of the Department of Anesthesiol¬
ogy at the College of Physicians and Surgeons, has presented a copy
of Claude Bernard's Lefons sur les effets des substances toxiques et medi-
camenteuses, Paris, 1857, foraddition to the Louis and LenaHyman
Collection on the History of Anesthesiology in the Special Collec¬
tions Section of the Augustus C. Long Health Sciences Library.
  v.42,no.2(1993:Feb): Page 35