Columbia Library columns (v.42(1992Nov-1993May))

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  v.42,no.3(1993:May): Page 37  

Our Growing Collections                                 3 7

Boyer gift. Mrs. Marjorie Boyer (A.M., 1934; Ph.D., 1958) pre¬
sented to the Libraries 3,861 books from her library and from the
libraryofherlatehusband, CariB.Boyer(A.B., 1928; A.M., 1929;
Ph.D., 1939). The books relate primarily to the history of mathe¬
matics and to medieval history, art, and music. George Boole's
Treatise on Differential Equations, Cambridge, 1865, Leonhard
Euler's Introductio in Analysin Infinitorum, Lugduni, 1797,Johann
Christoph Heilbronner's Historia Matheseos Universae, Lipsiae,
1742, and Thucydides's Histoire de la Guerre des Peloponnesiens,
1600, are among the ninety-five rare volumes donated. In addition,
there is a volume of more than thirty pieces of American sheet
music, the majority of which date from the first half of the nine¬
teenth century. A special arrangement has been made for the sale to
Columbia graduate students of all materials not selected for the

Coover gift. A rare Latin-Chinese grammar, Etienne Fourmont's
Linguae Sinarum Mandarinicae Hieroglyphicae Grammatica Duplex,
Latine, & cum Characteribus Sinesium, Paris, 1742, has been pre¬
sented by Mr. Christopher Coover (M.S. in L.S,, 1983). In addi¬
tion, Mr. Coover has donated two letters that provide insight into
the seventeenth-century world of books and literary matters, the
first from the philologist Nicolaus Heinsius to Theodore Rykius,
The Hague, 8 December 1666, and the second from the philoso¬
pher and man-of-letters Pierre Bayle to Emery Bigot, Rotterdam,
30 May 1689. Mr. Coover's gift also contains Robert Louis Steven¬
son's copy with his bookplate of George Saintsbury's Miscellaneous
Essays, London, 1892, inscribed by the author to Stevenson; T. S.
Eliot's Four Quartets, New York, 1943, oneofthe 788 copiesofthe
suppressed first American edition; and William Robertson's
Phraseologia Generalis, Cambridge, 1681, a collection of Latin
phrases that continued to be reprinted as late as 1824.

Haverstick gift. Mrs. lola Haverstick (A.B., 1946 B.; A.M., 1965)
has donated twenty-two first editions by Louis Auchincloss, virtu¬
ally all of which are inscribed or signed. In the earliest, Sybil, pub-
  v.42,no.3(1993:May): Page 37