Columbia Library columns (v.42(1992Nov-1993May))

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  v.42,no.3(1993:May): Page 41  

Our Growing Collections                             41

Modern European Literature, one letter from Albert Camus, seven
letters from the French writer Henri Massis regarding the manu¬
script of his book about the French writer and political theorist
Charles Maurras, and one letter from Henri Peyre regarding his
contribution to the French Review, which Professor Roudiez

Weil gift. A gift of fourteen books, including thirteen handsomely
printed by the Warwick Press, has been presented by Mr. James L.
Weil. Among the Warwick books donated, all limited editions
issued between 1976, the year of the founding of the press, and
1992, are: volumes of poetry by John Barr, Kenneth Hopkins, and
Ron Masse; lectures and an essay on the founding of the press by
Carol J. Blinn, the proprietor of the press; and Saint Francis of Assi-
si's Canticle of the Sun, one of forty copies bound in vellum,
inscribed by Carol J. Blinn to Mr. Weil.

Wilbur gift. Professor Emeritus C. Martin Wilbur (A.M., 1933;
Ph.D., 1941) has presented a copy of Reminiscences of a China Buff,
1992, one of thirty copies. This lively and detailed autobiography
recounts his childhood in Japan and China, his work at the Field
Museum, Chicago, and later at Columbia, as well as his trips to Asia
and Europe.

Yerushalmi gift. To his past gifts of Hebrew andJudeo-Persian man¬
uscripts and rare editions of the Talmud, Professor Yosef Hayim
Yerushalmi (A.M., 1961; Ph.D., 1966) has presented two tractates
from an eighteenth-century edition of the Talmud: Tractate Shabbat,
Amsterdam, 1715, and Tractate Yebamot, Amsterdam, 1717; he has
also donated an eighteenth-century Yemenite Hebrew and Judeo-
Arabic manuscript miscellany of kabbalistic prayers and rituals,
calendaric computations, medical writing, and liturgy.
  v.42,no.3(1993:May): Page 41