Columbia Library columns (v.44(1995))

(New York :  Friends of the Columbia Libraries.  )



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  v.44,no.2(1995:Autumn): Page [49]  

Ln Memoriam

Pauline Ame.s Pi.iviptox, a longtime Friend and fre¬
quent donor lo the Columbia University Libraries, died at the age of 93 on
April 15, 1995. Mrs. Plimpton, the daughter-in4aw of George Arthur Plimpton
whose generous gift of books and manuscripts to the Rare Book and
Manuscript Library in 1936 greatly enriched Columbia's collection of early
books and manuscripts, was a literary figure in her own right The last of her
eight books of family history and biography, A Collector's Recollections, George
Arthur Plimpton, was published by the Columbia University Libraries in 1993.
The widow of Ambassador Francis T. P. Plimpton, who was also a Friend of the
Libraries, Mrs. Plimpton had most recently made a generous gift lo provide the
matching funds required by the National Endowment for the Humanities for
completion of its grant lo the Rare Book and Manuscript Library. This grant is
for the creation of a detailed catalog of the Library's collection of more than
800 medieval and Renaissance manuscripts, many of which were part of the
original Plimpton gift
  v.44,no.2(1995:Autumn): Page [49]