Columbia Library columns (v.45(1996))

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  v.45,no.1(1996:Spring): Page 30  

Amy "Vladeck Heinrich and Amy Hai Kyung Lee

self, whose deep roots in the written and
printed word have fostered the growth of
Korean scholarship aroimd the world.

1.  Songs of the Dragons Flying lo Heaven: A Korean Epic,
translated and with an Introduction by James Hoyt,
rev. 2d ed. (Royal Asiatic Society, Korea Branch; Seoul:
Seoul C:ompuier Press, 1979), 44.

2.  The Korean Sliidenl Bulletin IX {Diicemhcv \93\): 1,7.

3.  A more complete description of the whole collec¬
tion can be found in Amy Vladeck Heinrich and Amy
Hai Kyimg Lee, "The Yi Song-iii Collection of Korean
Rare Books in the C. Y Slarr East Asian Library of
Columbia University," Committee on East Asian Libraries
Bullelin95 (February 1992): 19-31.

4.  Translation adapted and revised from Gari Ledyard,
The Korean Language Reform of 1446, Ph.D. diss.,
University of California, Berkeley (Ann Arbor, MI:
University Microfilms, 1966).

  v.45,no.1(1996:Spring): Page 30