Columbia Library columns (v.45(1996))

(New York :  Friends of the Columbia Libraries.  )



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  v.45,no.1(1996:Spring): Page 32  

Our Growing Collections

It is thus most fortunate that our friend
and colleague fotmd this thirteenth copy in
excellent condition, pmrhased it, and has
donated it to the library for which he col¬
lected with unequalled passion and insight for
a great part of his professional career.

Augenfeld gift: An additional gift of letters,
photographs, drawings, and memorabilia of
Felix Augenfeld has been given to Avery
Librarv by his step-daughter, Trudy Jeremias.
Included in a recent exhibition on emigre
Viennese architects, Augenfeld is best known
as the designer of Sigmtmd Freud's office and
the Buttinger Library in New York City.

The collection includes handouts, leaflets,
and random correspondence that Friedman
collected and saved on a day-io-day basis from
February through May 1968. It provides an in¬
sight into the activities and ideals that shaped
that vital moment in C^ohunbia's history.
Among the approxinuttelv two hundred items
are the original manusci'ijjt and gallev proofs
for Up Against the Ivy Wall: A History of the
Columbia Crisis, by ferry L. Avorn and mem¬
bers of the Spectator. As interest in the history
of the late 1960s condnues to increase, this
gift complements and enhances our resources
and increases our ability Kj provide informa-
don to researchei's.

McGee gifuThis collection is a series of gifts of
drawings from Mrs. Dorothy H. McGee in¬
cluding drawings for miscellaneous projects
by the iwentieth-centm^v architects William H.
Russell of the firm of Russell and Clinton,
Harrie T. Lindebergh, and James Casale. Mrs.
McGee had previously donated a large group
of architectiu'al books from the professional
library of her great imcle, William H. Russell.

The Columbiana Library

Friedman gift: In autiunn 1995 Robert
Friedman (CC 1969) gave the Columbiana
Library materials relating to the history of
Columbia College during his tentire as editor
of the   Columbia Daily  Spectator,   1968-1969.

The Library also received from the archives
of Yale University several photos of the
Cohunbia College crew in the 1920s, and Ms.
June Lord-Wood has kindly ckmated a pajjer-
back copy of 'Tbe Strawberry Stalenwnl. which is
now quite rare.

The C, V. Starr East Asian Library

Japanese first editions:The C. V. Starr East Asian
Library has a growing collection of first edi¬
tions of Japanese literature. Many of the vol¬
umes aie atitographed and inscribed by the
author to Professor Emerittis Donald Keene,
who has donated them to the Library over the
years. This collecdon is cmrently being cata¬
loged with full bibliographic records in RLIN

  v.45,no.1(1996:Spring): Page 32