Our Growing Collections
Bronk, donated to the Library several small
volmnes of that poet's work, as well as two
books produced in commemoration of the
200th anniversary of the birth of John Keats,
Ten Sonnets and To Aiha Rock.
Wertheim gift: Stanley Wertheim, who donated
his time to help curator Claudia Funke mount
the autumn 1995 exhibition in the Kempner
gallery of Stephen and Cora Crane manu¬
scripts, also presented the Library with a first
edition of Crane's volume of poetry. Wounds
in the Rain (New York: Frederick A. Stokes
Company, 1900).
Song of Songs, Ruth, and Ecclesiastes, pre¬
ceded by an ornamental title page and ac¬
companied by the Targum and the commen¬
tary of Rashi; Tikkun for the eve of Shavuot
and Asharot for the first two days; prayers and
lamentations for the Fast of the Ninth of Av;
and Tikkun for the eve of the seventh dav of
Wilberding gift: Joseph C. W''ilberding and
Katherine Van Cortlandt Wilberding gave to
the Library a Trust deed (Indenture) made by
Augustus Van Cortlandt on June 22, 1806, re¬
lating to the sale of land in lower Manhattan.
The impressive deed, on velhtm with wax seals
and attached hand-drawn land maps, is signed
by Van Cortlandt, John Jay, Gouverneur
Morris, and other pronunent New Yorkers of
the time. The Wilberdings also gave a collec¬
tion of early books from the family collection.
Yerushabni gift: An eighteenth-century litur¬
gical manuscript, written in Hebrew and
Aramaic with rubricated initials, was given to
the Rare Book and Manuscript Library by
Salo W^. Baron Professor of Jewish History
Yosef Yerushahni. The book includes the