Empire state notables 1914

(New York, N.Y. :  H. Stafford,  [c1914])



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Table of Contents

  Page [696]  


*JTS simple as it seems to the uninitiated,
FI this volume represents the unremit¬
ting labor for a long period of time
of more than a score of people. The print¬
ing was done by Messrs. Neumann Brothers,
"The Linguistic Printers," and it would tax
the best capacity of any printing house to
equal it. The publisher deems it fitting
here to acknowledge the able assistance and
advice of Mr. Henry Snyder Reed, and re¬
grets that he was unable to obtain in time
to grace the ensuing pages, the photographs
of Miss Mary Louise Clarke, whose able
and conscientious supervision of the earlier
stages of the work laid the foundation on
which the superstructure was built; Miss
Helen Dorothy Berry, whose careful atten¬
tion to office details was of great value, and
Mr. William Clement Leonard, whose sys-
temization of office methods along the lines
of modern efficiency standards was of
much help to the selling organization.
  Page [696]