Scoville, Joseph Alfred, The old merchants of New York City

(New York :  Carleton,  1864-70.)



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  Page 214  

214                   THE   OLD  MERCHAATTS


Mrs. Embury the authoress is the wife of Daniel
Embury, the President of a Brooklyn Financial Institu¬
tion.    He is the son of Peter Embury.

Jacob Barker used to be an eminent merchant. We
remember Mr. Barker very well. He resided In a three-
story house In Beekman street, between Gold and Cliff
streets. The steps were sideways to the door. On it
was a brass plate with his name. That was probably
twenty-five years ago. After Mr. Barker removed to
New Orleans, the house was occupied by his mother-in-
law, and the door-plate had upon It the name of " Mrs.
Hazard." At that period the daughters of Mr. Barker
were deemed among the most beautiful in the city.
P'hey were all married many years ago. Sarah married
a Mr. Harrison of Baltimore. I believe an elder sister had
previously married a citizen of the State of Maryland.
Another daughter, a magnificent girl, mai;ried Mr
Brower, a very wealthy and extensive merchant In New
Orleans. He died. She afterwards married a Mr. Van
Zandt of this city. A son of Mr. Barker married Into
the James family at Albany.

Mr. Barker was a remarkably driving man. If he
had an appointment with a man^ he waited just five
minutes, and not a second longer; then, If the man with
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